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Practical Econometrics Hilmer PDF 35: Data Collection, Analysis, and Application by Christiana E. Hi


Traditionally, data analysis was reserved for a small corner of the business community, performed by quantitatively oriented experts, if it was done at all. With the increasing digitization of business information, computer and software power, and information availability, data analysis has become an integral component of business. Data analy-sis can help businesses improve production processes, customer marketing, and stra-tegic positioning. The enormous list of applications makes it impractical to learn about all of them in just one book or one course.

under the pdf). Rather than work through these formulas, we will take a more practical approach. For discrete random variables, it is common to describe the probability func-tion and then calculate the expected value, variance, and standard deviation using the probability function as we did previously. In contrast, for continuous random variables, it is instead common to identify the distribution (e.g., normal) and state some key popula-tion parameters (e.g., expected value, variance). Given this information, we can calculate the pdf using the population parameters. For the normal distribution, the general formula for the pdf is:

practical econometrics hilmer pdf 35

In defining an instrumental variable, we begin by taking a practical but somewhat infor-mal approach. An instrumental variable in the context of regression analysis is a variable that allows us to isolate the causal effect of a treatment on an outcome due to its correlation with the treatment and lack of correlation with the outcome.

PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF PANEL DATA METHODS FOR BUSINESSIn this section, we discuss practical applications of panel data methods for business along two dimensions. First, we highlight the types of panel data one is likely to encounter in business settings. We then discuss the process of grouping these data, which ultimately determines the fixed effects to include in the assumed data-generating process.

We opened our discussion of panel data methods by detailing difference-in-differences and how it applies to circumstances where there is a dichotomous treatment and just two time periods. We built on these ideas as we presented the fixed effects model and illustrated how fixed effects (and time controls) can help mitigate endogeneity problems. Next, we showed how to estimate a fixed effects model using dummy variable estimation and within estimation, and compared and contrasted the two approaches. We concluded by highlighting some practical business applications of panel data methods. 2ff7e9595c

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